Content Creation

I'm a fan of handing off things that I'm not so good at. While I would spend several nights on financial stuff, a specialist needs only a fraction of the time for the same work! That's why I offer to relieve you of the burden of creating marketing content and marketing documents. This way you have more time to prepare the messages that should go out into the world.

Gain time and outsource marketing content creation

  • From social media posts to PowerPoint presentations
  • You focus purely on the briefing and the messages
  • I reliably implement everything
  • Translator saved: Bilingual German-English on request
  • I support you exactly to the extent you need!

Farm-blind chickens find less grain

Outsiders often succinctly sum up what is special about a brand/service/person. Reminds me of when I used to have to look at the map from further away in geography class to be able to see better. So, before I implement your briefing (for social media post, press release, sales flyer & co.), I take a few steps back and check if any particularly striking, interesting messages are beaming at me. If not, we'll tackle them together.

Content Creation Short & Sweet

Do you create content for social media?

Yes, and on request also directly bilingual German-English. You can either book me purely for the creation of content, e.g., posts or stories, see the packages below on this page. Or we can approach the topic of social media holistically and I can help you with your social media strategy, editorial plan and community management - for that please click here.

Can you write me a press release?

Yes, and if you like, also bilingual German-English. I can also help you prepare the content. What is really special or new about your offer? Why should the world know about it? Have you considered ecological and social factors? If your press mailing list is not yet up to date or outdated, I will research the relevant press contacts for you.

Do you only write or do you also design?

I write and design! For designing and layouting I use the tool Canva. You don't have to be a trained graphic designer for that ;) During my training as a social media manager, we also worked with it. If you want, I can show you examples of graphics, flyers, postcards and other layouts I've done. Just write me here.

Are you proficient in PowerPoint?

Yep, I am. You can send me an existing presentation to revise or I can create a new PowerPoint presentation according to your corporate design. Master slides or a corporate template don't exist yet? I will make it for you! Also, more complicated things like charts, tables and graphs.

Can you optimize our sales documents?

Gladly. Do you need a flyer, a brochure or a presentation? I'm happy to help you with the briefing, because that's what the final product stands or falls on. Are the topics you have worked out relevant for your target group? Do you strike a nerve with them, or do you awaken a feeling? What "call to action" do you want to trigger? Make maximum use of the fact that I look at your topic with a fresh look from the outside!

How can we work together?

I'll either relieve you of specific individual projects and we'll charge by the hour. Or, if you need me more often, you can book one of the convenient hourly packages, see below.

Hourly Packages

Individual lesson bookable on request!

*Pursuant to Section 19 (1) UStG, the amount shown does not include VAT.

Contact me!



Kagroovs LLC
2880 W Oakland Park Blvd
Suite 225c
Oakland Park, FL 33311

+49 151 7458 6273

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